promise of renaming Barapullah

It may be noted the government had in July 2016 renamed the Barapullah Flyover as Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu, but did not put up the signage boards. “After announcing to rename the Barapullah flyover as Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu dedicated to 300th anniversary of the martyrdom of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur ji, Mr Kejriwal forgot his announcement.wholesale back lit letters Tags: arvind kejriwal, manjinder singh sirsa.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind KejriwalNew Delhi: Alleging that Delhi chief minister and AAP .He said that he took up the matter with the chief minister by writing a number of times and also instructed officials of the public works department to put up signage board.‘Kejriwal went back on his word’THE ASIAN AGE.After putting the signage board, Mr Sirsa said that Mr Kejriwal is a habitual offender and a liar who always forgets his promises once the elections are over. Mr Sirsa also cautioned the AAP government as well as the concerned officials to refrain from making any changes in the present convener Arvind Kejriwal has failed to live up to his promise of renaming Barapullah after Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, the Shiromani Akali Dal and BJP combine MLA Manjinder Singh Sirsa and his team put signage boards at the Barapullah flyover. Mr Sirsa also cautioned the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government as well as the concerned officials to refrain from making any changes in the present situation.The SAD-BJP leader said that if Mr Kejriwal makes any changes, I am sure the people will give his government a befitting response in the coming Assembly polls.

But it appeared that the chief minister had made up his mind not to let this bridge be renamed after the great national hero, so the officials also did not act.signs-factory.By doing so, he had tried to belittle the Indian national hero about whom even PM Narendra Modi had said that he bowes his head before this great personality,” added Mr Sirsa.“Keeping the sentiments of the people in mind they have today put up a signage board to rename this bridge Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu and hence after today it will be known by this name,” said Mr Sirsa

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امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : دو شنبه 6 دی 1400
As a result, time spent behind the wheel

“Currently, the machine isn’t capable of grasping all the subtlety of these clues,” Cefkin said. “Sometimes it’s interpretative: we look for signals while judging the vehicle’s speed and movements.Manufacturers are experimenting with icons or written messages appearing on wind-shields, warning sounds, and in one case a light-strip along the length of the car whose colour and intensity would alter in different situations.

“As a result, time spent behind the wheel is safer, more efficient and more fun,” he said.And even if the user of a self-driving car is convinced of its superior safety, other road users need to feel secure sharing the tarmac. “Sometimes drivers communicate between themselves and with pedestrians or cyclists directly, by swapping looks, with a hand gesture, or even verbally,” she said.Functions such as emergency braking and speed-limiting devices that track the distance between vehicles already exist, but getting drivers to abandon the steering wheel completely is a harder sell.To better understand them, Nissan is undertaking the immense task of studying thousands of intersection scenarios in an attempt to identify cultural patterns by country or context.

Obtaining the trust of drivers is crucial, as without it “we cannot move forward”, said Moritaka Yoshida, a Toyota executive.Japanese car manufacturers will have to convince the public that letting go of the wheel in a self-driving car is safe, while also dealing with the biggest threat to the cars’ security: the humans using them.” The tiny pointers that motorists pick up from one another are not yet within the reach of the technology.“We must make sure our clients understand how the machine works,” said Nissan’s chief planning officer, Philippe Klein.“It compensates for human error, which causes more than 90 per cent of all car accidents.Their stated goal — preventing deaths on the road — is laudable, but the technological arms race is also highly lucrative: consultancy firm AT Kearney has estimated the market for the self-driving car could be worth more than $566 billion by 2035. Intersections present a particular challenge, said Melissa Cefkin, who is based at Nissan’s Silicon Valley research centre.Google offers promises of a fully autonomous car, but these automakers are taking a more gradual approach, focusing on aspects such as self-parking and crash avoidance technology.

Toyota, Nissan and Honda are intent on putting autonomous cars on highways — and also city roads for Nissan — by 2020, and the triumvirate of Japan’s auto industry were keen to stress the advances made so far at the recent Tokyo Motor Show.But Ghosn’s comments belie the work still to be done, as its engineers edge Custom Light Box letter Signs wholesale forward in steps rather than leaps.Nissan chief executive Carlos Ghosn told reporters at the Tokyo show the company has high hopes the technology will save lives while altering car journeys forever.To instil confidence, the artificial intelligence that will power Nissan’s autonomous cars will mirror the driver’s driving style as closely as possible, while “ironing out any bad habits”, the automaker said

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : دو شنبه 8 آذر 1400
The international community has welcomed

A big majority gives Suu Kyi, 70, leverage in the political wrangling ahead with a military establishment that has been chastened at the polls but retains sweeping powers.Yet the country's military is not about to disappear.It also has key ministerial posts reserved under the charter.Government now beckons for Suu Kyi's party in a seismic change of political landscape Yangon: Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition on Friday won a parliamentary majority from weekend polls that will allow it to elect a President and form a government in a historic shift in power from the army.on Friday sailed through the two-thirds majority it needs to rule, claiming 348 parliamentary seats with a number of results yet to be declared.

The international community has welcomed the election, with US President Barack Obama calling both Suu Kyi and the president to offer his congratulations.The NLD "will be able to pass whatever law they want, they won't need to form coalitions, they won't need to reach out across the aisle," independent Myanmar analyst Richard Horsey said.signs-factory.A comfortable majority gives Suu Kyi's party control of the lower and upper houses, allowing it to elect the President and form the government.But during the transition the NLD will need to be mindful "to keep everyone on board," he added.

Thein Sein's ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party, which is made up of former military cadres, has been mauled at the election.Suu Kyi is barred from the presidency by a junta-scripted constitution, which also guarantees the army a 25 percent bloc of seats.Many NLD supporters remain deeply suspicious of the army and its political allies, who are notorious for dirty tricks and crackdowns that have left hundreds dead and thousands jailed.Ahead of the election the US hinted it could rollback more sanctions in reward for a successful and peaceful election.Both men have congratulated the NLD on its election performance and have vowed to abide by the result as well as help a peaceful transition of power.Call for 'reconciliation talks'Bouyed by the sweep of the polls, Suu Kyi called for "national reconciliation talks" with President Thein Sein and custom brass signs army chief Min Aung Hlaing.After a drip-feed of results from the Union Election Commission, the NLD Obama has staked immense political capital in Myanmar's transition from authoritarian rule to an emergent democracy, backing the NLD's polar force Suu Kyi and visiting the country twice in the last four years. It retains major influence with its parliamentary bloc which effectively assures a veto over constitutional change.

Government now beckons for Suu Kyi's party in a seismic change of the political landscape in a country controlled for five decades by the military.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon congratulated Suu Kyi for her election win, but also hailed the "courage and vision" of Thein Sein for "leadership in the reform process".She has already vowed to govern from "above the President" saying she will circumnavigate the charter ban by appointing a proxy for the top office.Yet the president, a former general who swapped his uniform for civilian clothes to lead the government in 2011, has won praise for steering the reforms that culminated in Sunday's peaceful poll.The election, the first Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party has contested since 1990, saw a huge turnout that has yielded more than 80 percent of seats for the NLD

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : دو شنبه 8 آذر 1400
This again amounts to a violation of Constitutional rights and depriving certain people of their fre

"In a concluding note, the officials said, "We are deeply pained that a few retired civil servants, who should have known better, have chosen to slander the Election Commission and are attempting through such slander, to influence its decisions.".," the letter read."It has been stated in the open letter by the retired civil servants that the Election Commission is suffering from a crisis of credibility, and its independence has been compromised."We do hope that the Election Commission takes note of such tactics being used by certain groups with vested interests, " it added."Now, the same retired civil servants, through their open letter to your honble self, are trying to stop a ten-part web series "Modi: A Common Mans Journey," of which five episodes have already been screened before the model code of conduct came into effect. It amounts to a smear campaign,designed to weaken Indias well tested constitutional bodies.""Slurs being laid against the Election Commission of India, casting aspersions on its neutrality and ability to hold free and fair elections appears to be a part of the larger design to influence its decision making and to make it conform to a particular line of behaviour and thought," the letter read.The citizens also slammed the retired civil servants for raking up the EVM issue and demanding proper implementation of VVPAT-based audits of EVMs in the ongoing elections. This again amounts to a violation of Constitutional rights and depriving certain people of their freedom of expression."The very people who have cast aspersions on the independence of the Election Commission appear to have succeeded in influencing the decision of the Commission, in banning a Aluminum letter Signs biopic made by an independent producer. This issue has been now already decided by the Honble ApexCourt. It also raises concerns that the signatories, by writing a letter to the President of India, have ipso facto attempted to influence the decision of the Honble Apex Court, which has now examined the case. This is unfortunate and smacks of partisan behaviour.New Delhi: A group of concerned citizens, comprising civil servants, defence officers, judges, academicians, and professionals, have written to President Ram Nath Kovind, stating that the open letter penned by retired civil servants on the functioning of the Election Commission (EC) is giving rise to a suspicion that a "deliberate attempt is being made by groups with vested interests, to denigrate such institutions of democracy by undermining their position. However, we beg to submit that these perceptions are only of a small group of people, who may be having a partisan interest in propagating such a view," the group claimed.They also claimed that the same retired civil servants also attempted to block a web series revolving around the life of the incumbent Prime Minister. One wonders on whose behest such a partisan approach is being taken. Needless to say, unfounded allegations and slander campaigns do little to promote the cause of democracy. It may be noted that the decision by the Election Commission was deliveredonly after the release of the open letter by this group of civil servants," the letter to the President read."The signatories to the open letter have commented on the need for the proper implementation of VVPAT based audits of EVMs in the forthcoming elections and have raised doubts over the integrity of the Election Commissions and of the EVMs. It would be interesting to flag here that no doubts were raised on the efficacy of the EVMs by these civil servants when the Opposition parties won electoral victories in a few states which were held before the General elections.Without naming the biopic PM Narendra Modi in the letter, the group alleged that the letter penned down by retired civil servants have "influenced" the decision of the EC in banning the biopic. They state that this is the perception of the country

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : سه شنبه 27 مهر 1400
Key achievements and initiatives of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

"Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik or UDAN seeks to connect unserved and under-served airports as well as make flying affordable.The ministrys letter has been titled: "Key achievements and initiatives of the Ministry of Civil Aviation."I am directed to forward herewith a letter from Honourable Minister of Civil Aviation (Suresh Prabhu) and to request you to forward it to all the passengers traveling in your airline," stated the note dated February 20, which was sent to all scheduled domestic passengers airlines.."It adds: "We have thoroughly transformed the aviation sector and today India has emerged as the worlds fastest-growing aviation market."Further, it is requested to inform the number of letters dispatched on daily basis to this Ministry," the note stated. I would like to share with you some of the key achievements and initiatives of the Ministry of Civil Aviation in the last few months.The airlines operating on the domestic routes have been sent a note along with the letter written by Prabhu, a copy of which has been accessed by PTI."In the year 2018, almost 1390 lakh passengers were carried by domestic airlines against 1172 lakhs in the year 2017, thereby registering a growth of 19 per cent; Air Cargo Policy which will be announced very soon will further propel the air cargo," it adds."A total number of operational airports increased to 100 airports with the inauguration of Pakyong Airport in Sikkim in September 2018; The Government has announced the development of six airports under PPP to bring efficiency in airport operations and increase passenger facilities," the letter Wholesale Custom Color letter Signs says.The letter mentions, "Release of Vision 2040 document to prepare the Civil Aviation Industry in India for sustaining the robust growth by focusing on infrastructure, MRO, Cargo, General Aviation and other related areas."Through bullet points, the letter then enlists the achievements and initiatives of the Modi government: "Unveiling of first-ever National Civil Aviation Policy in June, 2016; Launch of Regional Connectivity Scheme - Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik in October, 2016; Launch of NABH (Next Generation Airports in Bharat) NIRMAN to prepare for 1 Billion passenger trips.New Delhi: The Civil Aviation Ministry has "requested" airlines flying on domestic routes to give their passengers a letter written by Union Minister Suresh Prabhu that speaks about the "achievements and initiatives" of the Modi government in the aviation sector."Prabhus letter, which also has his photograph, states: "Dear Valued Passengers, Under the visionary and able leadership of Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji, the country has made tremendous progress in all areas of economic development during the last 50 months or so of this Government and civil aviation sector has not remained untouched in this unprecedented success story."The letter also lists various other initiatives of the present government in the sector.The letter states that "massive investment is planned for development of airports in the next five years" and "six waterdromes are also going to be connected under UDAN-3"

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : سه شنبه 27 مهر 1400
I would like to say that just because the two sun signs are not compatible

Earth signsTaurus, Virgo, CapricornAll the zodiac signs under the element of earth are  highly compatible with fellow earth signs and tend to appreciate each other’s need for stability and find comfort in each other. In return, water sign soothes and replenishes the earth. The individuals under these two signs may end up disliking each other. The energetic and enthusiastic fire signs complement the changing and versatile characteristics of the air signs. Due to this air signs are compatible with fellow air signs, fire signs as well as water signs. If the partner with the air sign starts criticising their  Wholesale Custom Back-lit crystal letter Signs partner a lot, they might be let down.Having said all this, I would like to say that just because the two sun signs are not compatible,  doesn’t mean that the  relationship will not be successful. This combination is very soothing and promotes inner peace. The traits of earth signs are difficult to deal with for the enthusiastic signs under the fire element.The writer is a Tarot mentor, Vastu expert and numerologist. The stable and dependable traits of the earth sign balance the sensitive and emotional traits of the water signs. The fire signs’ enthusiasm could be overwhelming for water signs. Two individuals under the same water signs will be sensitive to each other’s needs, but it will be very difficult for them to deal with  emotional turmoil of each other.Water signsScorpio, Pisces, CancerWater signs are not compatible with fire signs. They will agree to disagree and will never reconcile.This is because water signs are way too emotional for the fire signs to deal with. Likewise, they are also well-matched with water signs.Air signsAquarius, Gemini, LibraThose who belong to the air sign group have outstanding communication skills. The connection of a fire sign with a fellow fire sign tends to nurture similar energy but often it is difficult to reach a compromise  when it comes to their ego. Therefore, these two are never a suitable match for each other. But in order to sustain their relationship, both the signs need to put in a lot of efforts. The combination of an earth sign and air sign can only work if both of them are ready to stay together as a team. Water tends to share a pleasant relationship with fellow earth signs, there is a great mix of energies that will promote a healthy and balanced relationship. It just takes a positive outlook and some extra efforts on the part of the two individuals to ensure their relationship sails through troubled waters. Water likes to flow gently on its own time and rhythm, while air wants to make movements and stir things up.Fire signsAries, Leo, SagittariusA fire sign gets along very well with air signs. But they don’t share the same bonding with the earth signs. On the other hand,  a fire sign and water sign can never get along very well. The connection between two individuals under the same air signs could seem impractical but they consider each other intellectually stimulating

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : سه شنبه 20 مهر 1400
An RBI spokesman was not immediately available for comments after business hours

It is worried that the central bank’s hawkish monetary stance and stringent regulations on lending by state banks could push economic growth below 7 per cent in the October-December quarter - the last quarter for which data would be available ahead of the general election.An RBI spokesman was not immediately available for comments after business hours.Also Read: RBI employees association seek central banks autonomy: Viral Acharya“Governments that do not respect central  famous China Custom Special sculpt Signs bank independence will sooner or later incur the wrath of financial markets, ignite an economic fire, and come to rue the day they undermined an important regulatory institution,” Acharya said.Japan trip The officials in New Delhi were particularly angry that Acharya launched the attack while Modi was about to head to Japan for talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the first source said.Top government officials said they were surprised that Patel, who was appointed by the Modi administration in 2016 and initially cooperated with New Delhi, is creating tensions when the government is facing criticism over handling of the economy before a national election, due by next May. The gains were largely a result of a separate announcement by the RBI about an injection of liquidity through government bond buying.One said that it was vital that what happened between the government in New Delhi and the RBI in Mumbai was kept confidential.The government officials Reuters spoke to on Monday declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject. 12.The official in the prime minister’s office said Patel could face a tough time when he appears before a parliamentary standing committee on Nov.Government officials believe that RBI Governor Urjit Patel has some responsibility for the controversy, and he cannot expect an extension of his current three-year term - which ends next September - “as his right”, one of the officials added.On Monday, a third government source said the finance ministry was worried how markets would respond to Acharya’s public comments but felt more relaxed after they rose.New Delhi: Indian government officials are very upset with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for publicly talking about a rift with the government, fearing it could tarnish the country’s image among investors, senior officials said on Monday.“When we are facing problems on the external front like high crude oil prices, trade tensions putting pressure on our current account balance, can we afford another domestic crisis?” the third government source said.Modi’s government is pushing the RBI to relax lending norms for small businesses and pump more liquidity into the market to bolster economic growth before key state elections due in the next few weeks and the general election.Acharya had three of his fellow deputy governors in the audience and also thanked Governor Patel for his “suggestion to explore this theme for a speech”, in a show of unity from an institution typically known for its restraint.Finance ministry officials remained largely silent in response to the speech at the weekend, as they didn’t want to aggravate the issue when Modi and top officials were in Japan, this official said.A second official, based in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s office, said it was “very unfortunate” that the RBI took the matters public. That led to a surge in bond yields that badly hurt the South American economy.In a speech to top industrialists, Acharya cited the Argentine government’s meddling in its central bank’s affairs in 2010 as an example of what can go wrong.On Friday night, the RBI Deputy Governor Viral Acharya warned that undermining a central bank’s independence could be “potentially catastrophic”, in an indication that it is pushing back hard against government pressure to relax its policies and reduce its powers.6 trillion rupees ($49 billion)surplus to help bridge the fiscal deficit and finance its welfare programmes.. It was not expected from the RBI,” the official added.Government officials have recently called for the RBI to relax its lending restrictions on some banks, and New Delhi has also been trying to trim the RBI’s regulatory powers by setting up a new regulator for the country’s payments system. “The government is very upset. “The government respects the autonomy and independence of the RBI but they must understand their responsibility,” the official said.The Modi administration has also been pushing the central bank to part with some of its 3

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : سه شنبه 20 مهر 1400
Twenty-eight were at very high risk of bias

"Still, the research team reported in the journal Headache, only 19 of the studies were at low risk of bias. When appropriate, dexamethasone can also be prescribed to prevent a recurrence, she said.Minen said the sumatriptan recommendation is especially important because patients can get a prescription as they’re leaving the ED.Searching large databases and clinical trial registries, they found 68 randomized controlled trials testing 28 injectable medications.According to the guidelines, emergency physicians should avoid injecting migraine patients with morphine or morphine-like drugs, known as opioids. Instead, they should use one of two other intravenous drugs or an injection of sumatriptan.

Twenty-eight were at very high risk of bias, which would make their results less reliable. The corticosteroid dexamethasone was helpful at keeping the headache from coming back, they found. Lauren Doyle Strauss of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, told Reuters Health by email that the release of the guidelines is “very exciting” because until now “the approach to migraine treatment has been varied and not standardized, which can lead to inadequate relief and recurrence of headache after going home, which can be frustrating. Injectable morphine and hydromorphone “are best avoided as first-line therapy,” according to the guidelines, because there’s not much evidence that they’re effective and because it can be risky to take them for extended periods.New guidelines for doctors will help them treat migraine headaches that are severe enough to bring patients to the emergency department.”

At the request of the American Headache Society, Minen and colleagues set out to develop evidence-based recommendations.All other medications had lower levels of evidence.In addition, she said, “despite their known problems, opioids are administered in up to 60-70 percent of migraine visits.Minen stressed that the ED doctor and the patient’s primary care doctor should communicate in case any issues arise as a result of treatment and to determine whether preventive treatment would help.”“If you suffer from migraines,” she advised, “it is important to talk with your doctor about your migraine action plan and which medications are best for you in the emergency room.

“These are the first-ever guidelines for managing migraine in the emergency department (ED),” Dr.According to the guidelines, emergency physicians should avoid injecting migraine patients with morphine or morphine-like drugs.“If it works in the ED, patients can try it at home the next time an attack occurs, which will hopefully prevent additional ED visits for migraine,” she said.Based on effectiveness, side effects, and other factors, the research team recommended that one of three drugs be tried first - metoclopramide, prochlorperazine, or sumatriptan – because each had solid data to support its use. Mia Minen of NYU Langone Medical Center Galvanized stainless steel letter Signs in New York City, told Reuters Health by email. This kind of trial is considered the gold-standard for medical research.Dr. The guidelines were needed, she said, because over 25 different medications are used to treat migraine in the ED, some of which don’t have good data to support their use

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : چهار شنبه 31 شهريور 1400
Justin KurzelForget about the plot or the action

I think it just made the whole Matrix series look weak.The story of Assassins Creed is not very enriching and it also paints a scary picture of religious and sectarian battles that still continue, albeit in a technologically-advanced age and, therefore, less messy but still very disturbing. Who knows when someone is going to get access to them and press the button? The Assassins Creed is not a very palatable story; at places it also feels jumpy and abrupt for people who are not into gaming.The remarkable achievement of the movie is the apparent passage from the present to the past, for the viewer it is such a delight, but I do worry for Callum (Michael Fassbender) who had to really keep his mind in control to be able to remain in the fight. The robotic arm that takes you in the virtual world with such reality, makes you flip, jump and crash is so wonderful.

Justin KurzelForget about the plot or the action, forget how cool Michael Fassbender looks and just tell me where to get the machine. I am not a videogame addict, but now I know what I have been waiting for. It is aggressive and sharp, just like the blades used by the assassins.One wonders if there exists something as genetic memory that travels through the gene pool and preserves in great detail the happenings of ones life, and if it does so, then should it not get over-written/merged with the numerous members it passes via before reaching the present descendent?Anyhow, it will be great to have something like this in future where it is possible to go back in history with the help of genetic memories and bring out all the hidden treasures of knowledge and throw away all that is nonsense and has piled up on the way. The gaming experience is going to a whole new level.Although incredible in its presentation, the Assassins Creed does not allow much participation and coveys a lot of information in a very short time.

Dr Sophia Rikkin (Marion Cotillard) is a strange character though, she happens to be a scientist par excellence, someone who designed the whole machinery but failed to understand the motives of her own father.One Galvanized stainless steel letter Signs can definitely pick up the game to participate more so I think that too is taken care of.

I am just planning to get the Animus, and perhaps be able to look back into centuries of genetic memory someday.Justin Kurzel’s conceived mechanics of a machine that is deeply embedded with not just human mind but the human body too is way too interesting. So much fighting for an apple which is not even edible, if the apple is so important and the only thing preventing from total domination of the human race, why keep it. But on a serious note, the film does portray the Templar organisation in very bad light, as the ultimate oppressors, who would do everything to crush any kind of free will, heck they also tried the method of consumerism to keep people from questioning things and being disobedient, I think that is an inadvertent hint for the viewers but I am not sure how many will be able to get it. What’s more, the machine also does a DNA mapping, memory sync and not just of two individuals in the present but two individuals separated from each other by five centuries.

Although the obvious drawback of this might be the absolute distortion of one’s reality this still presents a wonderful model of entertainment to look forward to. The assassins had it back then, so why not destroy is completely? This is one thing I cannot understand about the human race, we know the nuclear weapons are dangerous, but we still continue to keep them.The writer is founder, Lightcube Film Society

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : چهار شنبه 20 مرداد 1400
Let the mountains beRecently

“Sadly, most Indians don’t have any sense of hygiene.Not too long ago, Iceland — a country which welcomed tourists from across the globe — had to temporarily close popular tourist destination Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon in order to protect its flora, which had been damaged by a combination of wet weather and foot traffic.The recent photograph of Prime Minister Narendra Modi plogging at the Mamallapuram beach in Tamil Nadu has brought to light the negligence of tourists towards the environment. I picked up the bottle and put it in my bag. Images of hundreds of mountaineers queuing up to reach the summit and reports of climbers stepping over dead bodies dismayed people around the world.”

Let the mountains beRecently, 11,000 kg garbage was removed from Mt Everest in a two-month long cleanliness drive. “The place near Gangotri, which is the origin of the river Ganges, is very dirty too.“We are taught not to leave any garbage in the mountains during our mountaineering course,” explains Vikas Lamba, a professional mountaineer and avid traveller, who adds, “During my last expedition to Uttarkashi, I found a lot of garbage on the way back. The PM also released a video, showing him picking up the plastic from the beach while taking an early morning stroll. Also handed over my ‘collection’ to Jeyaraj, who is a part of the hotel staff. They not only pollute the river right at its origin, but also the land and the animals that live there. “Plogging at a beach in Mamallapuram this morning. We need more innovative tourism models like that of Bhutan.”Excessive tourism is hazardousThe last days of Mt Everest’s spring window this year witnessed the deaths of 11 climbers.While there has been a sudden surge in people travelling to both domestic and international destinations, when tourism becomes unsustainable in nature, it can have disastrous consequences on the environment. No one checks what we carried up and what we bring down.

Many throw their garbage at tourist locations without thinking twice. It is important that we educate ourselves about the environment before we start travelling,” she says, adding, “The government should also take appropriate action against people who litter at these tourist places.”Be mindful while travellingIt’s hard to miss that most tourist places are dirty, with many people throwing away plastic wrappers and other waste anywhere except in the dustbin. The country functions on a low volume-high value tourism model which curbs the number of visitors annually, yet generates high tourism revenue,” says Shivya. People leave behind plastic, old clothes and other stuff there. The garbage, which included empty oxygen cylinders, plastic waste, batteries and faecal matter, was flown to Kathmandu in army helicopters. Let us ensure our public places are clean and tidy! Let us also ensure we remain fit and healthy,” he wrote alongside the video. She was embarrassed for sure. The Custom Brushed stainless steel letter Signs Suppliers golden sands and crystal blue water of Maya Bay, Thailand is also closed indefinitely to allow it to recover from the damage caused by millions of tourists. However, many people bring back only half of the garbage and leave behind 40-50 kg of it, as climbing down with a heavy load is a tedious job.”

Additional Commissioner of Income Tax and avid traveller Mala Paropkari emphasises on the need to educate people about being sensitive towards nature.Talking about ‘overtourism’, Shivya Nath, a well-known travel blogger and author of the bestselling book, The Shooting Star, shares, “It is important that we put a cap on the number of travellers that can go to a particular destination each year. When I questioned her about it, she was rude and refused to throw the garbage in the dustbin. It lasted for over 30 minutes.. Sharing one such incident, travel-blogger and influencer Prakriti Varshney recalls, “I was at a Sumo stand in Gangtok, Sikkim when a lady threw a water bottle on the road. Closer home too, in an attempt to conserve the fragile Himalayan ecosystem, the Uttarakhand High Court has ruled that “overnight stay in the Alpine meadows/Subalpine meadows/Bugyals is banned. Trekkers and mountaineers have to deposit some amount before starting the hike with the authorities, and they get refunded when they bring back their garbage from the mountain.”Vikas also shares that religious places in the mountains are dirtier

امتیاز مطلب : 25
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 5
مجموع امتیاز : 5
نویسنده : letfoil
تاریخ : دو شنبه 11 مرداد 1400

صفحه قبل 1 2 صفحه بعد